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                                                                                                   BEARS, COUGARS, HORSES,                                           AND PEOPLE


    N.L. McAlmond and Barney Two Pony were part of the cowboy gang at the C Bar N ranch near White Owl Creek, Colorado. They had discovered a large grizzly track in the snow earlier and decided to ride into a canyon in search of some mares and foals, get them back to headquarters, and, hopefully, get some idea of the location of the Grizzly. When they entered the canyon they found fresh tracks of the mares and foals. They had packed in some hay feed and N.L. McAlmond dismounted to scatter hay for the mares that they knew were near by. Barney continued ahead up the canyon expecting to find the horses very soon. He rode on a few yards then yelled, “Silvertip!”
    A dead foal lay on the trail ahead and the marauding bear charged toward Barney. His horse reared, Barney fell in a heap, the horse bolted, and in a flash the Grizzly gained the ground and swatted the horse. N.L. McAlmond’s horse bolted as well, slipping on rocks and throwing its rider. N.L. recovered in time to witness the grizzly swat the horse’s neck will a crippling blow then literally crush the horse’s ribs and disembowel it with another blow.
    Barney recovered his senses and pulled his .30-40 colt pistol. The bear was about thirty feet away when it charged and Barney yelled, “It’s gonna charge, get ready to run when I shoot!” Barney shot, twice, before the bear dealt him a blow that tossed him a dozen feet. The bear pounced on him and slapped him around like a cat with a mouse.       

    N.L. saw the pistol laying on the ground, managed to pick it up and fired at the bear. The bear winced at the shot then charged N.L. At the last moment he shot again. Then bear piled in a heap – an incredible lucky shot that he would later discover entered beneath the bears jaw and exit the top of his head. N.L passed out but luck was with him as other ranch hands found him. He was rushed to a hospital, and it was six months of recovery from shock and injuries from the horse fall, including broken ribs, before he could return to the ranch.
    If you ride horses and have a fear of bears, then this reads like your worst nightmare. But is it really all that bad? What are the chances of a bear or cougar attack while riding your horse? What is the chance of being injured or killed in an attack? And are there preventative measures that make sense?
    This subject is of a personal interest to me. Bears and I have a long history, we seem to meet each other in the least expected places and moments, from my porch step to riding in the wilderness. I am a bear magnet. When I was a kid, I was so ugly my mom tied a pork chop around my neck so the dogs would play with me. Maybe it’s time to remove the pork chop. I have been charged by grizzlies four times, black bears have cut up my horses, and a cougar attacked my horses in a nearby field. I should be bear toast by now.
    Once I walked, unexpectedly, onto a pile of dead moose scraps; bones, hide, and skin. I was literally standing right on a bear’s meal, and then, to my right, a head stuck out of a thick willow bush, so close I could almost touch its nose – I know this because as I kept my feet going and talked to it, I felt I could nearly touch her cruel face with the end of my recurve bow. She was a very large sow grizzly. I say sow because two large two-year-old cubs moved had just moved off to her side, then behind her. This bear had every right to destroy me. But that is another story. I can say that my opinion of bears is based on my experience and not any preconceive ideas or my degree in zoology.
    In my research on equine predator attacks I came across many interesting statistics. The statistics that are provided in this article are government based and as accurate as I could find. Keep in mind that any number is not necessarily accurate, particularly when dealing with animal populations, but they do provide and indication and they can be very interesting.
    There are estimated to be about 13,000 to 17,000 grizzlies in B.C. and about 550 to 1000 in Alberta. Since the 1980’s B.C. grizzlies have experienced a net increase (after mortality) of about six percent per year. In North America since 1900 there have been 54 recorded deaths from grizzlies (including Alaska Brown bears), 59 from black bears and 8 from Polar bears. ‘Recorded’ is a key word here because many believe that Polar bears are the most aggressive and have killed far more people but, in the past, Inuit deaths in the far north have not been as carefully recorded. A notable stat is that during the 60’s only four deaths were recorded, 11 in the 80’s and 28 since 2000. That is a considerable spike in deaths. Remember, we are talking about deaths, the number of attacks would be considerably more.
    The black bear population in Canada is about 500,000. B.C. has about 120,000 to 150,000, the highest number in their history. Saskatchewan has 40,000 to 50,000, Ontario about 100,000 and growing. Black bears adapt more readily to an urban environment than grizzlies. Port Coquitlam, B.C. had 900 bear sighting reports in 2008.
So why the spike in bear sightings and deaths in the past ten years? All the experts agree that the human population is simply that much larger and because bear numbers are stable or even growing in some situations, confrontations are expected to continue and rise in number. I believe that there are other factors involved. More and more bears are becoming habituated to an urban or semi urban environment, which means we can expect more conflict in our back yard. Second, in past years many of the bolder bears were simply shot and bears had more respect, or fear, for mankind in general.
    In 2008, 54 grizzlies died in Yellowstone Park and area, a considerable sum since there were estimated to be only 250 to 500 bears in the vicinity. Thirty-seven of these were human related deaths, twenty from hunter conflict and the rest from vehicles, trains etc. The natural deaths were largely blamed on the low pine nut harvest from beetle kill trees, their prime source of fall food. After intense study officials concluded that hunter education and the use of bear spray would save bear lives. More on bear spray later. Their second recommendation was to allow limited hunting of grizzlies in the three neighboring States to encourage grizzlies to shy away from human locations.
    So where does that leave riders and horses? The only death from bear attacks that occurred while riding a horse, that I could discover, was the story at the beginning of the article. However, I uncovered over two hundred and fifty bear and cougar attacks and many of them involved horses. There are many stories from Canada, the USA and across the globe of horses attacked, clawed, bit, harassed, and killed by bears, cougars and wolves, and several stories from western Canada in the past few years. In the town site of Princeton B.C. alone three cougars were destroyed in just over a week in July 2008, as well as eight attacks recorded on dogs in 2009. Experts feel that the most likely place to experience a cougar attack in North America is on Vancouver Island. This is surprising since Oregon has an estimated 5000 cougars.
    Since 1900, twenty-two people have been killed in North America by cougars, six in B.C. I believe only one incident occurred while a horse was being ridden, and this was on Vancouver Island, although I could not find details of this story. There have been more incidents of attack and deaths from bike riders with both cougars and bears, and I suggest that the reason is because there are simply many more bike riders out there than horse riders. In the USA there were 40 people killed last year from insect bites and 45 from lightning. The reality is that you have a far greater chance of dying from bugs and driving to visit your horse than from a bear or a cougar attack. However, the chances of you and your horse being attacked and mauled is much greater than it was several years back, and I am living that experience.
    Our 200 acre home piece is about 60 percent pasture and the rest forest. It is surrounded by large forest. Bears walk back and forth freely. Three years ago a renegade black bear decided to harass my horses, to the point where claw marks were ripped across the chest and flanks of four of our twenty-four horses. Some horses became cautious and some were plain terrified about what lurked behind every bush, to the point where riding them through the woods kept you on the edge of your seat with the horse seeing the great bear ghost at every turn. You need to understand that for years these horses have lived with and accepted bears. They became so accustomed to them that they simply looked at them and considered them big, dumb, Labrador Retrievers. The bear must have moved on because things settled down, but it took at least a year for the memories to fade.

    It has been said that grizzly bears never attack a string of riders and horses, well…..….Pete and I had been slowly picking our way up a remote mountain valley. The valley narrowed. Alpine slopes ran down tight to the stream bed, mostly a gentle gravel wash. We began to curve around a forty-foot precipice on our right. Halfway around the bend my horses’ ears perked forward and his head came up. Something did not smell right – to the horse. And we were in Grizzly country. I stopped and checked the progress of the four packhorses and Pete behind me. Everything was fine.
    “Giddup,” And Donny walked out like the obedient horse that he is, but as soon as we rounded the cliff a large grizzly faced us from fifty yards off. “There’s a grizzly to our right,” I said, “keep riding past me, I want to get a picture.”
    The bear was slowly walking off toward the right bank, a low bench of sporadic willow that angled uphill. He walked up out of the stream bed and slowly made his way up the slope, nonplussed with the seven-horse parade, stopping to check us out now and then. I pulled out the camera and found the bear in the lens then snapped a couple of photos. The horses had already rode past the bear and there appeared to be no pressure, but before the second photo was taken, the bear just seemed to calmly decide that he did not like our company and turned back down the slope toward us, angling toward us, closer, and closer, he began to walk faster and faster.

    “Pete,” I said,  “The bear is coming at us, keep riding.” I was determined to let the bear know that we were not a threat. He hit the stream bed at fifty paces and he seemed to stiffen up then set pace with a determined fast walk, straight at us.
    In a moment the horses would discover an angry grizzly hot on their heels and all hell would break loose.
I bailed off the horse then walked backward with the horses, rifle in hand, the bear now in a chugging gait gaining ground like a chugging train. My gun was up, hoping the charge was a bluff - thirty yards, then twenty, then fifteen, faster, more determined. No teeth snarling, no blinding speed, just a deadly single mindedness. No quit in this bear, as much chance of being sidetracked as that locomotive.
    Blood rushed to my head. Focus, focus, focus… “He’s coming at us!” I yelled, “Get ready!”
    Well, I am still here, thank goodness, as I have no idea where my kids would get their money from. And I can tell you this, I always travel prepared for trouble, and I always keep my third eye open. Here are some suggestions, most of them rules that I live by. To help you and your equine partners as you head out into bear country.

1. Always have bear spray holstered on your hip. Practice, again and again, getting it out, flipping off the tab, aiming and pretend shooting. Bear spray has been proven, over and over, to be effective. Not 100 percent effective but about 75 to 80 percent effective, and that is a whole lot better than zero effective. There is agreement by many that many bears are needlessly shot from far distances that would have wandered off if bear spray was the primary means of protection. And studies have been done when bear spray was needed and use, one study with about 75 bears. If I recall correctly about 50 blacks and the rest grizzlies. Up until that time not one person has ever been killed while deploying bear spray at a bear. Recently there was the grizzly mauling and death of the couple near the Alberta Ya Ha Tinda area, and there was bear spray deployed where they found the bodies, but it is uncertain if the bear got the blast or if the spray was deployed at an inopportune moment, while the couple was in the tent, etc. Many have been killed with a rifle in hand. Handguns far less accurate or effective. Bear spray is more effective than guns for the vast majority in a crunch – no question.
2. Large bore firearms that are quick to handle, and in the hands of an experienced shooter, are proven to be effective. However, time and time again guns jam, and, or people shoot ineffectively when under the stress of an attack. Handguns are less than fifty percent effective with a bear charge. They may feel good to a cowboy’s ego but I don’t recall Clint Eastwood dropping any bears with his Colt, regardless of what happened in the story at the beginning of this article. Something that needs to be said – people often say, shoot a warning shot, in the air, or at the bears feet. I can tell you that you have only seconds between with a bear at a gallop from fifty yards. If you feel that you can shoot, reload, calm down, re-aim accurately, and fire accurately in the few seconds that you have, then good luck, you will need it. It will take all the guts you can muster to stay focused and aiming accurately for the one shot that may or may not come - in the 3 or 4 seconds that you actually have.
3. When I am riding and I see a bear, or a cougar, and things are calm, I assess the animal. Bear sightings are most often casual, and the bear simply walks off and I just continue my way. If the bear is on the trail ahead, or near by and does not begin to walk off, I dismount and get the bear spray or firearm ready. Getting dumped off an excited horse with an unfriendly bear at hand is not in my daybook. Generally, I do not like to stop completely but walk slowly as the bear moves off. Even a sow with cubs will normally think of its cubs first and be more than willing to move off with horses and riders present.
4. In areas where I see a lot of fresh bears activity, I will remove the dong stopper on the horse's bell and let it clang as we ride until I feel we are in relatively safe country. At home I now leave bells on a few horses, and I believe that while hobbled and grazing on a trip or grazing at home the bells help keep bears and cougars at a distance. Horses tethered or hobbled overnight in the wilderness should all have bells.
5. A bear encounter may be sudden, but a cougar is more so. Cougars are silent, stealthy, and attacks are often from above and without warning. If you do see the cougar first do not turn your back and walk away. Make yourself large, raise your arms, and make noise. Fight a cougar if it attacks, do not be placid.
6. I believe that fatal Grizzly attacks can happen simply because a person was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong bear in the wrong mood, sows especially. There does not have to be an explanation of why it happened each time. With black bears I believe that fatal attacks often stem from hunger and as a result playing dead is considered less effective than fighting back. Again, it is not good to show fear but with bears I believe you should not threaten them with direct eye contact. Appear large, confident, and non- threatening. The standard procedure for a grizzly attack is to assume a fetal position with your hands behind your neck to protect your head. Theoretically the bear loses interest and walks off. However, I believe there comes a time when, if a grizzly does not lose interest you need to fight back. Bears and cougars have successfully been fought off with everything from sticks to jackknifes.
    In June of 2009 a grizzly attacked 78-year-old Tom Wanyadie and his son James, long-time horse people from the Grande Cache, Alberta area (very close to the story I told at the beginning of the article). Tom jammed his walking stick down the bears throat then whacked him a few times on the nose as the bear attacked James, successfully driving it off. Interesting to note is that James had a firearm, shot, and missed.
1. Keep food smells to a minimum. When on back country trips keep food contained in tight pack boxes or plastic containers, and away from sleeping tents. Now food stuffs in sleeping tents. Placing mothballs around the tent can act as a deterrent. We often carry mothballs in a couple of plastic containers with sealed lids.
2. Personally, I like a ‘good’ dog in camp. I feel that with all the activity, horses, bells, dogs, people, etc. a bear has to be very hungry or slightly insane to come into camp. But yes, it does happen. I have had bears boldly walk into camp four times in my life in broad daylight, and, in the morning after a night’s sleep, found fresh bear tracks around the tent at least that many times more. Frightened dogs have been known to bring a bear, hot on its heels, back to its owner, but my experiences with camp dogs have been good experiences. Cougars and dogs are mortal enemies. Cougars can be deathly afraid of dogs when they are on the hunt yet stalk a single dog, kill it, and eat it, regularly and with great relish. If your Shizu meets a cougar while you are on a trail ride then my money is on the cougar. But your Plot hound would likely be an asset.
3. Mules are known to dislike cats and often dogs. They can be wonderful ‘guard dogs’ on your property and willingly attack coyotes, cats, and other predators. Mules have been known to attack cougars while on a ride. The one in the photo dumped its rider in its eagerness to attack the cougar.
4. When we are headed to a kill sight with the intention of packing out meat we let the horses bell ‘dong’. We dismount a hundred or so yards from the kill sight and walk in with rifles and bear spray on the hip, and lots of talking and lots of peeking around trees and stopping and listening. We tie up the horses 20-30 yards from the meat cache and walk in, then get the empty pack boxes etc. and fill them then load the horses and gone. No need to force the horses to walk up to your bloody kill site.
I hope these suggestions will be of some service. There are so many great bear scare stories to tell but no time or space. But remember, the chances of a mauling are extremely slim. Do not be scared out of the bush, and please, watch for lightning!
Happy Trails!

NOTE: Since the writing of this article the statistics have changed considerably. There have been many more deaths from bears in the past 20 years, and grizzly bear numbers are generally up across North America. In many areas 2 and 3 times more then previous studies indicated. Recent studies using hair DNA have confirmed this. Most anyone who listened knows that bears take a considerable number of moose, caribou, and elk calves each spring, but recent studies using go-pro type cameras mounted on bears revealed staggering numbers of kills in the spring when calves are most vulnerable. One of the first studies had a camera mounted on a sow with 2 cubs. In 29 days she killed 31 moose calves. Grizzlies have spread eastward across the north and now occur regularly in Manitoba. Wolf populations, to some extent, are cyclic with ungulate numbers. Bears not so much, they also eat vegetation, berries, fish, marmots, etc., so numbers are not so synced with prey populations. I did my own little study in BC – I noted the yearly government assessed hunter kills of moose, Cariboo, and elk, halved the numbers of bears that the recent studies have shown, and still, the number of kills for Grizzlies alone was far greater, many times greater, than total hunter kills(you can find the stats somewhere on my Facebook site). For more information see our site, – We would love to hear your story.

Bears attacking horses and riders is very rare. One bear specialist said that grizzlies have never attacked a trail string with more than 5 horses. The next fall we were attacked by a grizzly while on a wilderness ride – we had 7 horses (see the book Common Man/Uncommon Life).
While riding in bear country you should have bear spray on your hip. If you get dumped, it is still accessible, and bear spray is effective. In one study or more than 50 bear encounters where people have used bear spray, not one person had been killed. That may have changed with the recent couple killed near Ya Ha Tinda Alberta. Statistics say that bear spray is a better life saver than rifles at close quarters.
Practice pulling your bear spray from the holster and flipping off the clip, again and again.
Cougar attacks while riding horses are very rare, apparently there was one attack on Vancouver Island.
I have been charged by grizzlies 4 times. Have had one attack my horses about 100 yards from our house, and one on its hind legs reaching up to our house bay window as it ripped cedar siding off the house. Mayde they are out to get me, possibly because in my younger days we ate a lot of bear meat. If you have not tried it, a bear feeding on fall berries or an oat field is about the best eating out there. The big black pictured above nearly did me in too, in a very different way (see Common Man/Uncommon Life)